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Our Investments

NZBP is in the process of investing in businesses that align with causes and technologies we believe will change the world for the better. The first of these is Loffty which is a business solving one of the biggest global challenges in the world today, namely, mental health and wellbeing.  

Loffty Global Limited

Loffty is the world’s most comprehensive online mental health and wellbeing assessment and marketplace. Users complete an online assessment and immediately receive a Loffty report which includes personalised recommendations to a range of information, digital wellbeing solutions and mental health specialists. 

Loffty empowers more people to seek help with 52% employee utilisation compared with an industry average of about 5% Employee Assistance Program (EAP) utilisation. We can help EAP providers increase their utilisation.

Loffty also helps people to better communicate their symptoms so their mental health professional has more complete information from which to make more accurate diagnoses and better informed treatment decisions.

Loffty 2.0 is going global in 2024!

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